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يو تي بي كات6

يو تي بي كات6

Understanding the Importance of Jumper Cables

Understanding the Importance of Jumper Cables in Circuit Boards In circuit boards (PCBs), jumper cables play a crucial role in connecting two demand points. These metal connecting wires, also known as jumpers, vary in materials and thickness depending on the product design. While most jumpers are used for transmitting the same potential voltage, they also […]

Understanding the Importance of Jumper Cables اقرأ المزيد »


ما هو الأفضل UTP أو FTP؟?

UTP أو FTP? UTP أفضل من FTP لنقل الملفات الكبيرة, لأنه يحتوي على معدل نقل بيانات أعلى. يمكن أن تكون FTP أسرع للملفات الأصغر, لكن UTP أكثر موثوقية. تتطلب FTP أيضًا إعداد خادم, في حين يمكن استخدام UTP بدون خادم. UTP is easier to use than FTP

ما هو الأفضل UTP أو FTP؟? اقرأ المزيد »

UTP cable-What does UTP mean on Ethernet cabl

UTP cable UTP stands for Universally Tagged Pointer. It is a specific type of Ethernet cable that has a small, rectangular metal connector on one end and a fiber optic connector on the other. UTP cables are often used to connect directly between switches or routers in a network. What is UTP and what does

UTP cable-What does UTP mean on Ethernet cabl اقرأ المزيد »

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