
24/7 Bezeroarentzako Arreta


Deitu Gurera

Factory-origin quality certification ensures reliability

A leading supplier of custom and stock digital signal cables

What are Product Solutions

jarri gurekin harremanetan
Who We Are

Surxini buruz

Shunxin is a high-tech enterprise committed to the research and development, manufacturing and sales of digital signal cables. The company adheres to the belief that independent innovation is the soul of enterprise development. Through industry-university-research cooperation, we promote the development of technology, cast the brand with integrity, and win the market with quality.

The company has 38 employees, including 18 engineering and technical personnel.

The company has a modern standard plant of 6600 square meters, with advanced manufacturing and experimental equipment at home and abroad, a professional R & D team andChizhou Industrial robot Cable Engineering Technology Research Center”.


Engineering technician


Plant area


Product specification


Cooperative customer

Zergatik aukeratu gu


Anhui Surxin cable&wire at “strengthening management, zerbitzua optimizatzea eta ospea lehenetsiz” “Surxin”-en irudia sortzeko eta kalitate handiko zerbitzuak eskaintzeko.


Adopt modern scientific instruments, strict testing and strict quality management to ensure that customers buy high-quality products.


We have won the trust and support of new and old customers with “excellent quality, preferential price and high-quality service”, and established a good reputation and reputation in the industry.


Customer service is online 24 hours a day, which can respond quickly and worry free after-sales.

Application field

Driving technology for leading brands

Thermal power generation field

Petrochemical field

Grid power transmission field

Marine system field

Intelligent technology field

How to Control Qulity

20 urte fabrikazio esperientzia qulitity Fabrikazio taldea. Aurkitu bezeroek behar dituzten bezeroentzako produktuak. Pertsonalizatua(OEM&ODM) entrega eraginkorra da gure abantailarik handiena.
20 Urteak fabrikatzeko fabrika
We have strict quality system and have professional QC team. Over 2 stage of QC before shipment to ensure quality. Our factory have been passed ISO&CCC&ETL&CE&RoHS&Reach certification.
Agintaritza Ziurtagiria
baino gehiago izan 300 bezeroak barruan 30 herrialdeak geroztik 2009; An economic entity of integrating R&D, fabrikazioa eta merkataritza

Do it now!

How to Contact Us

Forge a path to excellence through precise connections. Contact us today to embark on a journey of seamless collaboration and co-create a future of unparalleled success.

jarri gurekin harremanetan

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