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New Arrival Industrial Camera Gigabit Ethernet Twisted Shielded Data Cable Rj-45 Horizontal Locking Screws Drag Chain Cable

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New Arrival Industrial Camera Gigabit Ethernet twisted shielded data Cable RJ-45 horizontal locking screws drag chain cable

SURXiN 1.5-meter GigE cable for data transfer with RJ-45 plug with horizontal screw connections on the camera side.

The twisted, shielded cable has an RJ-45 click-lock plug on the host side and is suitable for drag chain applications.

Mota: Data CableManufacturer: SURXiNOrigin: Anhui,ChinaCable Length: 1.5 mConnector Camera Side: RJ-45, horizontal locking screwsConnector Host Side: RJ-45, click-lockMoving characteristic: drag chainInterface: GigECustomized length:3.0m,5.0m,10m,15m,20m,25m

Q1: What is the Industrial Ethernet Cable?A1: The Industrial Ethernet Cable is a CAT5E GigE cable designed for data transfer with RJ-45 plug with horizontal screw connections on the camera side. The twisted, shielded cable has an RJ-45 click-lock plug on the host side and is suitable for drag chain applications.

Q2: Are there any special features?A2: Yes, this Industrial Ethernet Cable has several features that make it ideal for data transfer. It has a robust cable construction with a shielded twisted pair, an RJ-45 click-lock plug that ensures secure connections, and a horizontal screw connection on the camera side.

Q3: What is the cable’s length?A3: The Industrial Ethernet Cable is 10 meters long. The length can be customized.

Q4: What type of plug does it use?A4: The Industrial Ethernet Cable uses an RJ-45 plug with horizontal screw connections on the camera side.

Q5: What type of data transfer does it support?A5: The Industrial Ethernet Cable supports GigE data transfer.

Q6: Does it have any special features for drag chain applications?A6: Yes, the Industrial Ethernet Cable has an RJ-45 click-lock plug on the host side, which is suitable for drag chain applications.

Q7: Is the cable shielded?A7: Yes, the Industrial Ethernet Cable is a twisted, shielded cable.

Q8: What is the warranty on the Industrial Ethernet Cable?A8: The Industrial Ethernet Cable is covered by a one-year warranty.

Informazio Gehigarria

Jatorri lekua

Anhui, Txina

Marka Izena


Modelo zenbakia


Material eroalea






Eroale kopurua



Gigabit Industrial Camera, Camera, Computer, Smart Devices, Robot

Product name

Industrial Camera Gigabit Cable




4 pairs

Cable Type

Data Cable

Applications Speed

100/1000/2.5G/G/10G Base-T


Bare Copper

Cable Length

3.0m, 5.0m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m




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Izan zaitez berrikusten lehena "New Arrival Industrial Camera Gigabit Ethernet Twisted Shielded Data Cable Rj-45 Horizontal Locking Screws Drag Chain Cable

Zure helbide elektronikoa ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak markatuta daude *

136. Canton Azokan gure standa bisitatzeko gonbidapena!

Bezero estimatua,

Atsegin handiz jakinarazten dizugu Joe Zhang (posta elektronikoa: [email protected]), ordezkari bat Anhui Surxin Wire & Cable Co., SL., bertan izango da 136Kantoiko Azoka.

Gure standa bisitatzera gonbidatzea gustatuko litzaiguke, bertan gurea erakutsiko dugu azken seinale digital kableak eta partekatu baliotsua industriaren ikuspegiak. Izan ere VIP bezeroak, prestatu dugu abantaila esklusiboak.

Ekitaldiaren xehetasunak:

  • Fasea: 1
  • Data: urriaren 15ean – 19th, 2024
  • Kabina zenbakia: 7.1A07
  • Kokapena: Pazhou konplexua, Guangzhou

Bertan ikustea espero dugu eta zurekin harremanetan jartzea espero dugu!

Agurrik onena,
Anhui Surxin Wire & Cable Co., SL.