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New Design High-Flex Gigabit Ethernet rj45 Locking Gige Cat 6 Dynamic Environment For Moving Application Drag Chain Cable

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  • 20 Urteak fabrikatzeko fabrika
  • Agintaritza Ziurtagiria
  • Txinako negozio bikaina & Indar berria.


New Design High-Flex Gigabit Ethernet rj45 Locking Gige Cat 6 Dynamic Environment For Moving Application Drag Chain Cable

SURXiN 10-meter GigE cable for data transfer with RJ-45 plug with horizontal screw connections on the camera side.

The twisted, shielded cable has an RJ-45 click-lock plug on the host side and is suitable for drag chain applications.

Mota: Data CableManufacturer: SURXiNOrigin: Anhui,ChinaCable Length: 3.0 mConnector Camera Side: RJ-45, horizontal locking screwsConnector Host Side: RJ-45, click-lockMoving characteristic: drag chainInterface: GigECustomized length:3.0m,5.0m,10m,15m,20m,25m

Q1: What is the Industrial Ethernet Cable?A1: The Industrial Ethernet Cable is a CAT5E GigE cable designed for data transfer with RJ-45 plug with horizontal screw connections on the camera side. The twisted, shielded cable has an RJ-45 click-lock plug on the host side and is suitable for drag chain applications.

Q2: Are there any special features?A2: Bai, this Industrial Ethernet Cable has several features that make it ideal for data transfer. It has a robust cable construction with a shielded twisted pair, an RJ-45 click-lock plug that ensures secure connections, and a horizontal screw connection on the camera side.

Q3: What is the cable’s length?A3: The Industrial Ethernet Cable is 10 meters long. The length can be customized.

Q4: What type of plug does it use?A4: The Industrial Ethernet Cable uses an RJ-45 plug with horizontal screw connections on the camera side.

Q5: What type of data transfer does it support?A5: The Industrial Ethernet Cable supports GigE data transfer.

Q6: Does it have any special features for drag chain applications?A6: Bai, the Industrial Ethernet Cable has an RJ-45 click-lock plug on the host side, which is suitable for drag chain applications.

Q7: Is the cable shielded?A7: Bai, the Industrial Ethernet Cable is a twisted, shielded cable.

Q8: What is the warranty on the Industrial Ethernet Cable?A8: The Industrial Ethernet Cable is covered by a one-year warranty.

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