pvc insulated bv 6.0mm2 electric solid core copper electrical wire
Our Service1) Erantzun azkarra— Kontsulta guztiak barruan erantzungo dira 24 hours.Professional Quotation — All pricing will be quote according to customers' Zehaztapen zehatzak & requirements.2) OEMa & ODM zerbitzua— Zure marka kablearen inprimaketaren gainean inprimatu dezake oinez edo metroko markarekin. — Pegatinak pertsonalizatuak egin, danbor, Kanpoko kartoiak, etc. 3) Kalitate egonkorra— Material eta produktu guztiak Pasatu dira QC prozedurak mugatzen, compliant with international standards. 4) Bidalketa azkarra— Lcl aginduak, 15 Days after confirmation; FCL aginduak, 20 days after confirmation.5) Good After-sales Service— We chose the fastest vessel to POD for delivery our goods to clients, — All Documents will be issued according to clients' argibideak, Tokiko ohituretatik arazoak aurrezteko. — Jaulkitako kalitateari edo ontziari buruzko edozein kexa erantzungo da, and terminated with proper solutions for clients.
1. Code
2. Aplikazio
PVC insulated wires is suitable for laying at the fixed places. It is widely used in connecting of power device, lighting, daily electrical appliance, instrument etc. with AC rated voltage up to and including 450/750V(U0/U).
3. Standard
The product implement the standards GB/T5023, equivalent to IEC60227. And it can also be made complying with ASTM, DIN, BS standards etc. In addition, we can design and manufacture the products as the requirements of customers.
4. Brief construction
1) Zuzendari: Copper or aluminium, Sendo
2) Isolamendua: PVCa
3) Number of cores: Single core
4) Other special characteristics: Design and manufacture according to the requirements of customers.
5. Service performance
1) Rated voltage: 450/750V
2) Long-term working temperature: not be higher than 70°C
3) When laying the cable, the ambient temperature should not lower than 0°C
4) Minimum bending radius: Bending radius≥4D as cable overall diameter≤25mm; Bending radius≥6D as cable overall diameter>25mm.
Nominal Sectional Area (mm2) | Conductor No./ Diameter (mm) | Nominal Insulated Thick (mm) | Max Overall Diameter (mm) | Conductor Resistance at 20 | Min Insulated Resistance at 70MΩ/KM | Weight (kg/km) |
1.5 | 1/1.38 | 0.7 | 3.3 | 12.1 | 0.011 | 19.2 |
2.5 | 1/1.78 | 0.8 | 3.9 | 7.41 | 0.010 | 30.8 |
4.0 | 1/2.25 | 0.8 | 4.4 | 4.61 | 0.0085 | 45.5 |
6.0 | 1/2.76 | 0.8 | 4.9 | 3.08 | 0.0070 | 65.0 |
10.0 | 1/1.35 | 1.0 | 7.0 | 1.83 | 0.0065 | 52.0 |
Anhui Surxin Wire & Cable Co., SL. Chizhou hiriko Qingyang Ekonomiaren Garapen Eremuan dago, Anhui probintzia, budismoko lau mendietako bati itxita dagoena, Mendia. Jiuhua.
Gure enpresa sortu zen 2009 RMB-ko kapital sozialarekin 5 milioi yuan. Kable profesionala gara & alanbre fabrikatzailea mota guztietakoak, hala nola, UTP(FTP), Cat5e, Katu, Adabaki kablea, Kable coaxiala, Alarma kablea, Kable elektrikoa, Automobilgintzako kablea, Alanbre esmaltatua eta kobrezko produktua etab.
Gure produktuak Europara saldu dira, Asiako hego-ekialdea, Ekialde Hurbila, Hegoafrika eta Australia, gure bezeroengandik ospe ona lortzea. Negozioak kalitatezko adeitasunean eta elkarrekiko onuretan oinarrituta egiten ditugu, eta gure arteko lankidetza ona izatea espero dugu.
We would be your best supplier offering high quality products with competitive price. It is sincerely hoped that a long-term business relationship could established between us in the near future.
What's the payment term?
T/T, D/P, L/C, Western Union, PayPal eta Merkataritza Bermatzeko Zerbitzua.
Could you please provide samples?
Bai, we can. Purchase first takes samples, Handizkako babesa! Barruantxe 7 days after your payment for the sample, Laginak pisuak behin baino gehiagotan 1 kg. -En azpian 1 kg, free samples offered.
What's your MOQ?
10000 meters.
What's the delivery time?
Eskuarki 15-45 zure egunak 30% Ordainketa aurreratua.
What's the payment & Bidalketa moduak?
Paketearen luzera: 100M/200M a roll.
Normalean gure produktuak itsasoz ematen ditugu. Other delivery methods are available upon request from clients.
Oraindik ez dago iritzirik.