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UTP Cat6

UTP Cat6

Understanding the Importance of Jumper Cables

Understanding the Importance of Jumper Cables in Circuit Boards In circuit boards (PCBs), jumper cables play a crucial role in connecting two demand points. These metal connecting wires, also known as jumpers, vary in materials and thickness depending on the product design. While most jumpers are used for transmitting the same potential voltage, they also […]

Understanding the Importance of Jumper Cables Lesa meira »


UTP Cat6 There are a lot of choices when it comes to Ethernet cables. Þú getur fundið snúrur sem eru gerðar fyrir hefðbundin 10/100/1000BaseT net, til dæmis, eða jafnvel fyrir nýrri tækni eins og 802.11ac. En hver er bestur? Þetta er spurning sem hefur verið til í mörg ár og enn hefur ekki verið svarað að fullu.

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