China manufacturer household electrical Chinese bvr cable 1.5mm2 2.5mm2 4mm2
Is-servizz tagħna1) Rispons rapidu— L-inkjesti kollha jiġu mwieġba ġewwa 24 Hours.Twotazzjoni Professjonali — L-ipprezzar kollu se jkun kwotazzjoni skont il-klijenti’ Speċifikazzjonijiet dettaljati & rekwiżiti.2) OEM & Servizz ODM— Tista 'tipprintja l-marka tiegħek stess fuq l-istampar tal-kejbil b'marki tas-sieq jew tal-miter. — Agħmel disinji personalizzati għal stikers, drums, Kartun ta 'barra, eċċ 3) Kwalità stabbli— Il-materjali u l-prodotti kollha mgħoddija jirrestrinġu l-proċeduri tal-QC, konformi mal-istandards internazzjonali. 4) Kunsinna mgħaġġla— Ordnijiet LCL, 15 Jiem wara l-konferma; Ordnijiet FCL, 20 Jiem wara l-konferma.5) Servizz tajjeb wara l-bejgħ— Għażilna l-iktar bastiment mgħaġġel li pod għall-kunsinna tal-oġġetti tagħna lill-klijenti, — Id-dokumenti kollha jinħarġu skont il-klijenti’ struzzjonijiet, Biex issalva problemi mid-drawwiet lokali. — Kwalunkwe ilment għall-kwalità jew l-ippakkjar maħruġ se jiġi mwieġeb, and terminated with proper solutions for clients.
Nominal Sectional Area (mm2) | Conductor No./ Diameter (mm) | Nominal Insulated Thick (mm) | Max Overall Diameter (mm) | Conductor Resistance at 20 | Min Insulated Resistance at 70MΩ/KM | Weight (kg/km) |
1.5 | 1/1.38 | 0.7 | 3.3 | 12.1 | 0.011 | 19.2 |
2.5 | 1/1.78 | 0.8 | 3.9 | 7.41 | 0.010 | 30.8 |
4.0 | 1/2.25 | 0.8 | 4.4 | 4.61 | 0.0085 | 45.5 |
6.0 | 1/2.76 | 0.8 | 4.9 | 3.08 | 0.0070 | 65.0 |
10.0 | 1/1.35 | 1.0 | 7.0 | 1.83 | 0.0065 | 52.0 |
BV | Copper Core PVC Insulation Wire |
BVR | Copper Core PVC Insulation Flexible Wire |
BVB | Copper Core PVC Insulation PVC Sheath Round Wire |
BVVB | Copper Core PVC Insulation PVC Sheath Flat Wire |
RV | Copper Core PVC Insulation Flexible Wire |
RVV | Copper Core PVC Insulation PVC Sheath Flexible Round Wire |
Tip | Isem |
227IEC01(BV) | Single-core non-sheathed cable with soild conductor for general purpose |
227IEC02(RV) | Single-core non-sheathed cable with flexible conductor for general purpose |
227IEC05(BV) | Single-core non-sheathed cable with soild conductor for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of 70°C |
227IEC06(RV) | Single-core non-sheathed cable with flexible conductor for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of 70°C |
227IEC07(BV-90) | Single-core non-sheathed cable with soild conductor for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of 90°C |
227IEC08(RV-90) | Single-core non-sheathed cable with flexible conductor for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of 90°C |
227IEC10(BBV) | Light PVC sheathed cable |
227IEC42(RVB) | Flat non-sheathed flexible cable |
227IEC52(RVV) | PVC sheathed flexible cable |
100M/Roll 200M/Roll. 6 Rolls in a Box.
15 Days After Your 30% Advanced Payment.

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